Actress in a Supporting Role
This will be one of the most competitive "People" categories. Absolutely loved each of these performances. Well done, ladies!

Angela Bassett, Ramonda in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
This is a tough category, or Ms. B would be a lock. I'm biased because she both educated me and glued my eyes to the screen in What's Love Got To Do With It (and, no nepo-baby, she). Still a likely winner (which will be repeated below).
Jamie Lee Curtis, Deidre Beaubeirdre in Everything, Everywhere, All at Once
What a surprise performance! Even the name made me laugh -- I used to do that to my kids' names, chagrin-trigger that I am. There used to be video of me saying "Bo-Bee-dra" to our eldest, before she and the others performer their own version of The Purge. Grateful it stopped at media.
Kerry Condon, Siobhán Súilleabháin in Banshees of Inishirin
Surprised all the way around about Banshees. The Supporting Acting noms are to biggest of those. Siobhán was the glue that pulled this story together. What put her over the top here is that I didn't realize until after viewing that she was Mike's daugther-in-law in Better Call Saul and Pamela in Three Billboards, both of which I worship. She's clearly in the top 3 of a category of 5 -- so still a stretch, but my choice to be sure.​
Hong Chau, Liz, The Whale
She cannot win in a deep field, but I loved her Liz. She captured the competing feelings of "I must help you/You cannot be helped" perfectly. If I needed real care, this is what I would be hope for and dread. Looking forward to more from this BU grad.
Stephanie Hsu, Joy Wang in Everything, Everywhere, All at Once​
If my first two choices don't win, I'm Joyful for Joy (what?!?) BTW, check her out as Mei in Mrs. Maisel -- a stand-out in a show chock-full of great acting.
For Profit...
Hollywood has a woke formula. AND IT'S WORKING! 3/5th of the category is non-white. You think I'm exaggerating?!? Give it a year or two and these won't even be women, let alone regular white people.

For Real...

JLC has a lot of miles on her, but I'd do any of the other ones. Particularly the one from the Panther movie...once you go Wakanda, you gone forevah. Know what I mean, sista?