Documentary (Feature)
In my listings of the nominees, I make an effort to list the names of the people, beyond the actors, who did the work. I skip the convention for the movies (here, Animated Feature, Best Picture) because the Producers are the names the Academy highlights. While I'm sure they frequently provide something beyond money, most of the names are just people lucky enough to be able to place good bets on creative people. Reminds me of the newspaper articles about slo-pitch softball games. One of our teammates would have a homer and two doubles, driving in 7 runs and the paper would say "...and Fred Dumpster was the winning pitcher". Producers are the people who stood there while others did great work.
I am advised by my wife, my lawyer, my guardian angel and my several bartenders that you should be aware that this doc opens with the footage of the fire that ensued after the band Goodbye to Gravity celebrated their new album with pyrotechnics intended only for outdoor use. You've been warned. That aside, this is an investigative journalism film that documents fatal corruption and the value of a dogged, earnest fourth estate. Highly recommended (but you've been warned!)
Crip Camp
Brilliant and educational. This is the genesis of the handicapped rights movement, culminating in the Americans with Disabilities Act. While I am well familiar with the ADA, both from its impact on technology requirements at work and my father's needs in his 16-year battle with MS, I have to admit embarrassment at my ignorance of the history. The people who attended Jened in Hunter, NY, were funny, geeky, sexy, rude, interesting and, in the end, just people. It's been a while since I learned so much about something I thought I knew a bit about.
The Mole Agent
Carries with it a patina of a reality show, as the 'mole' is a plant and some of the scenes were contrived. Still, a reminder that we've lost our way everywhere with where and how our seniors live and die.
My Octopus Teacher
I previewed my love for this film, so you know my bias. This is a story with real drama and surprises. Suspend your thoughts of grilled octopus and open your mind to intelligent, learning sea-dwellers. The 'teaching' part is not new-agey stuff. Do watch and enjoy.
Beautifully filmed and moving. This family filmed their lives and their 'waiting' over decades. You feel their pain, not just from a parental perspective. You see the bad customer service experience we all have every month in the lens of a life-in-the-balance. The black-and-white filming and time reversal techniques were brilliant! No upset if this one wins (though I expect a lot of noise from one of the links below if it wins).
Democratic Response

The Obamas were the greatest co-Presidents of all-time. If we could've "Roosevelted" them and kept them around, we'd all look cool in a tan suit and we'd have great biceps by now! So it has to be Crip Camp. If you disagree, you're racist (unless you picked Time, then you're good.)
Republican Response
This is the category that proves why Hollyweird is un-American. Truly.
First, you try to trick us into watching a movie by the Obamas?!? He should go teach at a madrasa in Africa and that lettuce-pusher he married should go camp out in whatever bathroom it uses.

Then, you want me to be sympathetic to convicted, admitted bank robbers? Yeah, jail is bad. So are people who deserve to go to jail.

But the worst is this octopus shit. Call it what it is: bestiality. This guy wants to marry the mollusk! He's not fooling anyone - what's wrong with you people?!?