Robbie Ryan, Poor Things
This fantasy-scape was brilliant, but also clever because it was set in real places: Lisbon, Paris, London...but clearly a fantastic version of each. The curved angles of some of the shots added to the twisted world into which you are stiched. There is a case to made for Oppenheimer (a great period piece, which always does well in this category) and Zone of Interest (every locomotive smoke cloud passing by the greenhouse and every distant smoke stack is chilling), but Poor Things transports you to a non-existent place you believe is real.​
Makeup & Hair
Nadia Stacey, Mark Coulier & Josh Weston, Poor Things​
​I wonder if we need a category for a single character makeup creation. Last year's The Whale was an example. All of the effort, similarly, went into Bradley Cooper's Bernstein. Given the mix of period/fantasy characters and Frankensteinian monsters, it should go to Poor Things.